Dealing With Hearing Loss With the Assistance of Modern Technology

Hearing problems and hearing technology solutions. Ultrasound. Deafness. Advancing age and hearing loss. Soundwave and equalizer bars with human ear

What’s a cyborg? You likely imagine a half human, half machine when you think of a cyborg, particularly if you enjoy science fiction movies (the human condition is often cleverly depicted with these characters). Hollywood cyborgs can seem extremely bizarre.

But actually, someone wearing something as basic as a pair of glasses could be considered a cyborg. After all, biology has been enhanced with technology.

The human condition is generally enhanced with these technologies. So you’re actually the coolest type of cyborg around if you’re using an assistive listening device. And there’s much more technology where that comes from.

Drawbacks of hearing loss

There are absolutely some negative aspects that come with hearing loss.

When you go to see a movie, it can be difficult to keep up with the plot. Understanding your grandchildren is even more difficult (some of that is due to the age-gap, but mostly, it’s hearing loss). And it can be profound (and often negative) how much your life can be impacted.

The world can become really quiet if your hearing loss is disregarded. That’s where technology has a role to play.

How can hearing loss be managed with technology?

“Assistive listening device” is the general category that any device which helps your hearing is put into. Ok, it does sound a bit technical! The question might arise: exactly what are assistive listening devices? Where can I get assistive listening devices? Are there challenges to utilizing assistive listening devices?

These questions are all standard.

Typically, hearing aids are what we think of when we think about hearing aid technology. That’s reasonable, as hearing aids are a vital part of dealing with hearing loss. But they’re also just the beginning, there are numerous types of assistive hearing devices. And, used correctly, these hearing devices can help you more completely enjoy the world around you.

What are the different kinds of assistive listening devices?

Induction loops

Often called a “hearing loop,” the technology of an induction loop sounds pretty complicated (there are electromagnetic fields involved). Here’s what you need to know: locations with hearing loops are typically well marked with signage and they can help people with hearing aids hear more clearly, even in noisy areas.

Essentially, hearing loops use magnetic fields to make a speaker’s voice more clear. Induction loops are good for:

  • Locations with inferior acoustic qualities like echoes.
  • Locations that tend to be noisy (such as waiting rooms or hotel lobbies).
  • Presentations, movies, or other events that depend on amplification.

FM systems

An FM hearing assistance system works much like a radio or a walkie-talkie. A transmitter, typically a speaker or microphone, and a receiver, such as a hearing aid, are needed for this type of system to work. Here are some scenarios where an FM system will be helpful:

  • Whenever it’s difficult to hear because of a noisy environment.
  • Civil and governmental environments (for instance, in courtrooms).
  • Conferences, classrooms, and other educational activities.
  • An event where amplified sound is used, including music from a speaker or sound at a movie.

Infrared systems

There are similarities between an infrared system and an FM system. There’s an amplifier and a receiver. Typically, the receiver is worn around the neck with an IR system. Here are some examples where IR systems can be helpful:

  • When you’re listening to one main person speaking.
  • People who use cochlear implants or hearing aids.
  • Inside settings. IR systems are often impacted by strong sunlight. So this type of technology works best in inside spaces.

Personal amplifiers

Personal amplifiers are kind of like hearing aids, just less specialized and less powerful. They’re generally composed of a speaker and a microphone. The sound is being amplified through the speakers after being detected by the microphone. Personal amplifiers come in a number of different types and styles, which could make them a challenging possible option.

  • Before you use any kind of personal amplifier, talk to us about it first.
  • These devices are good for individuals who have very minor hearing loss or only need amplification in select situations.
  • Your essentially putting a really loud speaker right inside of your ear so you need to be cautious not to further damage your hearing.

Amplified phones

Hearing aids and phones sometimes have trouble with one another. The sound can get garbled or too low in volume and sometimes you can get feedback.

One option for this is an amplified phone. Depending on the circumstance, these phones let you control the volume of the speaker. These devices are good for:

  • Households where the phone is used by numerous people.
  • Individuals who only have a hard time understanding or hearing conversations on the phone.
  • Individuals who don’t use Bluetooth enabled devices, like their phone or their hearing aid.

Alerting devices

When something is going on, these devices (sometimes called signalers or notification devices) use loud noises, vibrations, and flashing lights to get your attention. When the microwave bings, the doorbell dings, or the phone rings, for example. This means even if you aren’t using your hearing aids, you’ll still be alert when something around your home or office needs your consideration.

Alerting devices are a good option for:

  • Those with complete or nearly complete hearing loss.
  • When alarm sounds such as a smoke detector could create a hazardous situation.
  • When you take breaks from your hearing aids.
  • Home and office settings.


Again, we come back to the occasionally frustrating connection between your telephone and your hearing aid. The feedback that occurs when two speakers are put in front of each other isn’t pleasant. This is essentially what happens when you hold a phone speaker up to a hearing aid.

That connection can be bypassed by a telecoil. You will be able to hear all of your calls without feedback as your telecoil connects your hearing aid directly to your phone. They’re great for:

  • Individuals who use the phone often.
  • Anyone who uses hearing aids.
  • Anyone who isn’t connected to Bluetooth in any way.


Closed captions (and subtitles more generally) have become a mainstay of the way people enjoy media today. Everyone uses captions! Why? Because they make it a little bit easier to understand what you’re watching.

When you have hearing loss, captions can work in combination with your hearing aids, helping you understand mumbled dialogue or making sure you can hear your favorite show even when there’s distracting conversation nearby.

What are the advantages of using assistive listening devices?

So, now your greatest question may be: where can I buy assistive listening devices? That’s a good question because it means you’ve recognized how all of these technologies can be advantageous to those who have hearing loss.

Clearly, every individual won’t be benefited by every type of technology. For instance, you may not need an amplifier if you have a phone with good volume control. If you don’t have the right type of hearing aid, a telecoil might be useless to you.

The point is that you have possibilities. After you begin personalizing your journey toward being an awesome cyborg, you will be ready to get the most out of your life. It’s time to get back into that conversation with your grandkids.

Some situations will call for assistive listening technology and some won’t. Call us as soon as possible so we can help you hear better!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.